Winston-Salem Chapter Show – NC’s Got Talent!
NC's Got Talent - A Barbershop Tribute to our Musical Heritage Singers and Songwriters of NC Guest Quartet - Let's Sing Featuring: Greensboro Tarheel Chorus, Downtown Sound (Ladies' A Cappella); […]
Carolinas District | Barbershop Harmony Society
of the Barbershop Harmony Society
NC's Got Talent - A Barbershop Tribute to our Musical Heritage Singers and Songwriters of NC Guest Quartet - Let's Sing Featuring: Greensboro Tarheel Chorus, Downtown Sound (Ladies' A Cappella); […]
Quartets: Aspire and Soundtracks
Featuring both PVP and women vocalists, Southern Transfer quartet, Infinity quartet, Goin Coastal quartet.
Adults $18; 17 and under $12 All seats reservedTickets available atCary Arts Center Box officeonline at or call (800) 514-3849 For general information call (321) 345-7464 or email: