Heart of Carolina A cappella is the 2020 Carolina District International Chorus representative and is hosting Spring Sing 2020 to raise funds for the trip.
They’ve planned a full day of fun, singing and fellowship for Barbershop choruses in the Carolina’s District. Spring Sing 2020 will be held at the Brumley Performing Arts Building at Durham Academy on Saturday, April 25. Come sing tags with your fellow Barbershoppers and join the MegaSing of the Barbershop classic ‘Blue Skies’, with coaching by Dr. Bill Adams. The day also includes a silent auction and opportunities to enjoy a round on the links at Durham’s Hillandale Golf Course and a guided private tour of the Duke Lemur Center.
YOU CAN DO IT. HCA is asking you to participate to make Spring Sing 2020 a success. Bring your chorus and quartets and be part of the Barbershop talent from across the District. Sing in Quartet Showcase, the MegaSing and the Showcase of Choruses.
Proposed Schedule for Spring Sing 2020:
9:00 Hillandale Golf (fee t.b.d.)
10:30 Duke Lemur Center Tour ($10 fee, contact Joe Simpson, joenc@mindspring.com)
12:30 Lunch, Tags, Silent Auction Opens
1:30 Blue Skies MegaSing & Coaching by Dr. Bill Adams
2:30 Quartet Showcase (public invited)
3:30 Social Hour, Tags, Silent Auction Ends (public invited)
4:30 Chorus Showcase (public invited)
6:00 Spring Sing 2020 Ends