Due to the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak, the face-to-face meeting at Richmond Community College is changed to a virtual meeting via Zoom.
This April House of Delegates meeting will be held via remote access thru Zoom. The meeting will run from 9am – Noon. You can attend via Zoom or by phone.
Click here to connect using Zoom. Note: you will need to have the Zoom app on your phone or computer. Alternatively, you can dial in by dialing (650) 667-2561, and entering PIN code 551278684
This meeting is open to all members in good standing. Each chapter is allowed one voting delegate. If your chapter does not plan to attend, or will send someone other than the Chapter President as it’s delegate please let District Secretary
Richard Harris know.
Meeting Agenda
2019 Financials
1042 W Hamlet Ave, Hamlet, NC 28345