NSC Leadership Academy, on Zoom, January 21. 8 am – 1 pm. Everyone is invited!
Each year, the District sponsors an education day for current leaders and all interested parties. Here you can learn more about your responsibilities and opportunities as you plan 2023 as a chapter leader, whether you are continuing in your same position, taking on something new, just curious about what we do and how we get it done. or if you’re barely containing your new ideas or successes….we want you here!
The true meaning of Leadership is sharing. We wish to avail of your talents, your ideas, your time, your recommendations, your knowledge. We welcome ALL members to join us, with or without a title. Please attend from the comfort of your computer screen, and with a beverage of choice.
Registration begins at 8:30 am, for breakout room assignments, Q&A, and meet and greet.
General Session One begins at 9 am, with the 2023 Officer Installation.
Breakout Sessions begin at 9:20 am:
Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers: Please join us for updates on fiscal and legal requirements of leading a 401(c)3. But we also want you to share your experiences, your ideas, your expectations or frustrations with those volunteering for these same critical roles. And if you are curious about this position, please join in!
VPs of____: We promise a valuable use of your time. Instructors have wide experiences, great ideas, and we encourage idea sharing to help all. Be it music, marketing, meeting night planning, membership and member development, we’ll have something for you. And as last year, you will be able to move about the rooms during this time, if you are looking for a well-rounded idea of what’s going on. We’ll post a class list with instructors when it is finalized.
General Session Two begins at 11:15:
We’ll have “A Short Bit on Leadership”, as it’s never a bad time to discuss your role as a leader, and how best to lead, share, follow, develop others to join in the joys (and challenges) of guiding your chapter to new heights. It just might include a bit on the importance of communication, which brings us to following:
District Panel Discussion: What’s coming in 2023! The District has new officers, new ideas, and new activities to share. Please be online to hear what we have planned for the Carolinas in 2023 (and beyond). We’ll update you with some changes we’ve already made, so you can inform your chapters. We’ll share some ideas we’re considering, and are thus still listening and discussing. We want and need you to be informed, and help inform us, so you can share with your chapter members. Get information on the events we are planning for the year, and why it’s important, fulfilling, and fun that you join in!
Also, we are in a full-court press to encourage ALL chapters to join us at the District Spring Convention for scores or “just” to show off with some entertainment; to create quartets so members can get a feel for the stage, share their favorite songs; and then to join in the finer elements we share as BHS members and sing together! Experience barbershop with us, at its best.
And we want to listen to you, too! This session will run until approximately 1 pm, or until we run out of ideas.
With apologies, we can’t host a tag session on zoom, or a Polecat or group singing sessions…you’ll need to come to our conventions for that! But watch your inbox for the online registration and links for the session. See you online on January 21!