Carolinas District | Barbershop Harmony Society
of the Barbershop Harmony Society
Open to all singers in grades 8-12 and hosted by Forecast Quartet and the Salem Academy A Cappella Singers. This event will be held in the Fine Arts Center at Salem Academy in Winston-Salem NC, and we will teach and sing custom barbershop arrangements created just for young voices in TTBB, SSAA, and SATB voicings.
Register for March 29 2025 A Cappella Spring SingAt 5pm that day there will also be a performance showcase in Hanes Auditorium that is free and open to the public. This show will include performances from the Salem Academy A Cappella Singers, Forecast Quartet, other local high school groups, and the combined women’s, men’s, and mixed voice high school ensembles from our singing workshop held that day.