Midwinter 2025 in San Antonio with the Carolinas
And a grand time was had by all... Our Seniors Quartet, Aspire, brought the crowd true entertainment! Steve Curulla, Wally Miles, Rob Hopkins and Ted Leinbach! Their songs, Erica Love Story [RobHopkins] and Remember? [RobHopkins] were entertaining, and so well done. Congratulations! Our Seniors Chorus, Carolinas Harmony Express, was a collection of members from across the district and made us listen, laugh, and enjoy! Their songs, Trout Don't Live In Ugly Places [Larry Triplett] Continue Reading
Annual Convention and Contest 2025-Register Now!
Our NSC Spring Convention and Contest is April 4-5 in Pinehurst, NC! Please come and entertain us, applaud us, get some great feedback, and have the (best barbershop) weekend time of your life! Join us for a weekend of fun and harmony! Registration Hotels A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the three hotels, with adjoining parking lots! Book early to get your choice of room. Last day to book: Tuesday, March 4th, 2024. Quartet & Chorus Continue Reading