Carolina District Mission, Vision, and Values
The Carolinas District is committed to supporting the Barbershop Harmony Society’s aim of preserving, encouraging, and perpetuating the traditional American art form of singing in four-part Barbershop harmony style.
The Carolinas District strives to provide excellent levels of service and support to our Communities, Chapters and Members, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each.
The Carolinas District seeks to fulfill our Mission, achieve our Vision, and live our Values by promoting and encouraging vocal harmony and good fellowship among all our members; to the end that Barbershop singing flourishes and spreads throughout the Carolinas, and beyond…
An innovative, inclusive, and ever-growing community that enjoys the benefits of barbershop harmony.
To serve and impact our Communities, Chapters and Members in ways that allow them to thrive and enhance their enjoyment of singing, help them to become better singers and performers, and introduce the joy of Barbershop Harmony to more people and more communities throughout the Carolinas and beyond.
The Carolinas District exists to support the growth and health of its chapters, ensembles, members, and our local musical community.
We can achieve this by:
- creating an atmosphere of inclusivity through harmony,
- strengthening our communication and cooperation with other vocal and music education communities,
- enhancing the ways that we present the basic elements of barbershop harmony to a younger and wider audience, and the ways that people are able to engage with the barbershop community
- Creating a culture of innovation while continuing to honor our roots.
Specifically, we believe that:
- The health and well being of every Chapter and its members is our highest priority. The Carolinas District serves its total membership faithfully, providing a structure that offers a healthy Barbershopping experience for everyone. The District reaches out to every Chapter with opportunities to participate in District activities, events, and programs, remaining at all times consistent with the goals and objectives of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
- The Carolinas District serves all Barbershoppers in the region of the Carolinas by creating and supporting activities, events, and programs that help Chapters and individual members to continuously improve their singing and performing skills, to become better Chapter leaders and administrators, and to have more fun singing together.
- We impact and support our Communities by sharing the joy of barbershop harmony within the larger community of choral groups, music education and new audiences. A key objective is to expand the craft of Barbershopping throughout the Carolinas region. The District supports the growth and development of existing chapters, and actively seeks opportunities to start new chapters and affiliates and introduce more people to the craft. The District encourages existing chapters to help sponsor, support and assist in the creation and development of new chapters, clubs and affiliates wherever possible. The District supports vocal music education and encourages the forming of strong partnerships with local school systems, community college and university choral groups, and music educators.
- We understand the importance of perception and in all things strive to be approachable, ethical and inclusive, adapting to new technologies and approaches while maintaining our core principles and values.
- The Carolinas District conducts all of its business with financial discipline, and remains transparent, accountable, and fair to all of its members. Its governing structure is representative, and processes encourage all who are qualified to serve.