Your Carolinas District hosts a House of Delegates meeting twice annually. This is the forum used to update Chapter Presidents (and their designees) of recent Board activities, and is also used as an “idea collector” for specific items. Below is the schedule of events for Saturday. Please contact your local Chapter President, or Richard Harris, your District Board Secretary, if you’d like further information. We hope to see you there. (Link below)
House of Delegates Meeting
22 March 2025
8:30 – Check-in social
9:00 – Call to Order & Welcome by District President, Jeff Osborne
9:05 – Pledge of Allegiance – Nicholas DiLorenzo, Immediate Past President
9:10 – Roll Call & HoD Minutes, Important Calendar Dates – Richard Harris,
District Secretary
9:20 – District Treasurer’s Report on 2024 Budget Results and 2025 Budget YTD –
Nathan Vaughan sub for Ted Leinbach, District Treasurer
9:30 – Contest and Judging – Steve Curulla, District VP of Contest and Judging
9:40 – Explanation of Breakout Session plan (see below) – Harris
9:45 – Breakout Session 1 – (1a – Lakeside Harmony Weekend; 1b – Enriching
Our Convention)
10:10 – Breakout Session 2 – (2a – Youth in Harmony; 2b – Chapter Support)
10:35 – Breakout Session 3 – (3a – Chapter Elevation Project; 3b – Fun in the Fall)
11:00 – Breakout Session Recap all Sessions
11:30 – New Business
11:55 – Jeff Osborne District President Updates & Wrap-Up
12:00 – Adjourn!
Breakout Sessions
1a) Lakeside Harmony Weekend: The most anticipated and fun-filled barbershop
weekend is growing. This session, led by your Executive Vice President Bob Boone and
VP of Music & Performance Tom Parker, will review this year’s classes, schedule, &
events, discuss your ideas to enhance the weekend experience, and how your
members can get the most out of the weekend
1b) Enriching Our Spring Convention: We’ve grown (and packed!) our convention
weekend. This session, led by your VP of Events Jason Kekas and at-large board
member Jessica Cerri, will discuss the new events and enhancements to this year’s
convention and explore new ideas for future conventions
2a) Youth in Harmony: Our Carolinas Youth in Harmony (YIH) initiative is really taking
off!. In this session, led by Dr. Mike Fitch, Larry Gilhousen, and special guest, The
Wade Hampton Singer’s Amy Moyer, we’ll discuss YIH best practices and how your
chapter can cultivate and champion barbershop singing among the youth in your own
2b) Chapter Support and Leadership Training: CSLTs: Many of you have already
received visits from your designated CSLT ambassador. Who are these intrepid souls
who are visiting your chapter and why should you be very excited?! Your VP of Chapter
Support Justin Slack along with at-large board member Ray Gatlin will be leading this
session to discuss how your CSLTs can provide valuable information and a
communications channel from your leadership and members directly to your district
3a) Chapter Elevation Program: This new pilot program, voted in during our Fall HOD
meeting, provides 5 chapters the opportunity to energize their chorus and boost their
stature in their community. The lucky 5 chapters will receive a headliner quartet for their
show, assistance in show creation, management, & promotion, an emcee, music
suggestions, and assistance from neighboring chapters. This session, led by your
President Jeff Osborne and PIPP Paul Martin, will provide details how you can
participate in this innovative and super fun chorus-building program
3b) Fun in the Fall!?!?: Do we want some kind of Fall Event? A huge barbershop
picnic? An all day afterglow at a park or pool? A joint show with multiple quartets and
choruses? A joint event with multiple chapter sponsors or even an event with another
district? Or something entirely different? This session is for brainstorming and getting
your chapter’s feedback as to whether or not we should add a fun fall event to our
district calendar. Lead by Immediate Past President, Nicholas DiLorenzo and BMAL,
Ken Thomas.
Carolinas District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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