Our NSC Spring Convention and Contest is April 4-5 in Pinehurst, NC.
Click here for Convention Registration and Information
Click here for Quartet/Chorus Contest Entry Registration
Contest Schedule:
Quartet Semifinals: * Friday 6:15pm (See Order of Appearance below)
Chorus: Saturday 11:00am
Quartet Finals: * Saturday 7:30pm (unless we push back a bit to accommodate the Mass Sing.)
The contest draw for OOA will be Sunday3/23/25.
*Designated adjusted time schedules a/o 3/26
Convention Events:
FRI Apr 4, Luncheon: Join us for lunch! Like last year, the North Carolina Harmony Brigade will be “hosting” a Convention kickoff luncheon on Friday April 4, 2025, at 12:30pm at Dugan’s Pub, 2 Market Square, Pinehurst, NC 28374. You are on your own for costs, but the full menu will be available. It is a nice social time to start the convention weekend, and who knows, a song or tag might break out! Please email Nic Cols at ncols21@gmail.com to let him know if you will come, then he can give a good estimate to the restaurant. See you there!
FRI Apr 4, Evening: District Quartet Semifinals, Friday Night “Tags & Bites”, President’s Reception for Chapter Leadership, Woodshedding/Tag Room
SAT Apr 5, Morning: District Chorus Contest
SAT Apr 5, Evening: District Quartet Finals (w/Show of Champions), Chapter Hospitality Suites and Late Night Pizza Party
All contest sessions will be held and Sandhills Community College. Fellowship events will be hosted at the Hampton Inn and Townplace Suites
Quartet Order of Appearance:
MT | Trophy Husbands |
1 | In Sequence |
2 | Just 4 Kicks |
3 | The King’s Men |
4 | Chords Against Humanity |
5 | Keep Me Posted |
6 | Knock Knock! |
7 | Brother Nature |
8 | ChuckTown Sound |
9 | Out Loud |
10 | Impromptu |
Intermission | |
11 | Cosmic Harmony |
12 | Eleventh Hour |
13 | Collage |
14 | Snow White & the 7th Chords |
15 | Aspire |
16 | Extra Credit |
17 | Kids at Heart |
18 | Omnibus |
19 | Retreads |
20 | Mashies ‘n Niblicks |