Hello, my name is Paul Martin and I am the president of the Carolinas District.
This year we celebrate our 10th year as a District, and it seems appropriate to pause and take a reading on where we are and what we have achieved. It’s also appropriate to reexamine our Vision, Mission and Values to see if the founding principles of 10 years ago still hold true today. This talk is the first in a series on the State of the District.
The address is in a video format. To view it, click here: The revised Vision, Mission and Values are also shown here.
The next step is to give us your feedback. Talk the proposed Vision-Mission-Values over with your chapter members and give your feedback to your chapter officers. Secondly a new Vision suggests a new brand, a new logo and image of what the Carolinas District is. I call upon those of you with graphic talents to submit ideas to the Task Force for review. This draft along with adopted changes and proposed new logos will be presented to the House of Delegates at our meeting on November 21, 2020 where they will be voted on.
Thank you for your time. I wish we could meet in person but this is our new reality, at least for now. Our next topic in the State of the District series is Music and Performance and will be presented the end of September. I look forward to meeting with you then.